9 Days

Just 9 more days until lift off! It is still nearly a dream that we are heading out on this adventure. I know it is getting closer to go time because the days at work are interminable, the to-do list is getting longer and no closer to being completed, and the worries, doubts, questions dance the dervish in my mind at 3:00 am and in my stomach throughout the day.

Ah well, get over it old girl. Blue and I are already planning next year's trip, so all this pre-flight jitters will get easier and more normal!

For those of you receiving this notice for the first time, I hope to update this blog every evening (GMT 0) with photos and commentary on what we are seeing. Feel free to completely ignore it as I know this is our adventure and not yours, or join in while we regale you with photos of us drinking whisky, climbing around stone circles, walking along Hadrians wall, standing in the sea spray of the North Atlantic, exploring Whitley Castle and Whitley Bay, and more.

Here's a photo of our technology: this phone and a folding Bluetooth keyboard. So slick.