Rug Twining
I have always wanted to try weaving. I remember back in high school in a previous century I made a cardboard heddle and threw together a quasi backstrap. With a skein of kelly green yarn I wove a belt to match the dress I made for my graduation. I wore the dress and belt until they were out of style.
A couple years ago I made a rug loom with wood and nails. I researched twining, warped the loom and made my first rug from old sheets. I use that rug still, but it isn't pretty, as those first tries seldom are.
My closet is full of cast off sheets and other materials donated by our local thrift store. They graciously give me stuff they can't sell but which are perfect for rugs. Sometimes I augment the free colors with sheets and materials I pick up at Goodwill and yard sales; old clothes are great, worn out scarves, sweaters, etc.
The quickest and easiest rugs are known as countered "hit and miss" twining, just using whichever color strip was next. I work from both ends so that the rugs are symmetrical in color patterns.
Because the loom is 24" x 36" all the rugs are the same size.