Good morning from Oban. See the Isle of Mull in the sun across the water. A lovely start to the day.
You can see our B&B just to the right of the distillery smoke tower in the middle of the photo. Also note the coliseum looking thing on the top of the hill - McCaig's Tower. It is said he had it built to keep the stone masons employed, but I wonder if this is another Nessie, and it was done to memorialize himself ...?
A view from McCaig's Tower.
The Oban Distillery. Great tour. We were barred from taking photos inside. This is the 4th smallest distillery in Scotland with two stills. Small due to the landlocked nature of the company. Built against a stone wall, town grown up around it, ocean on another side of it.
A quirky display of art - knitted covers over the poles. This is a cool house we pass going down to the town.
After missing our bus because I didn't listen to Blue when he said, "This is our bus," we finally made it to Dunstaffnage Castle, purported home to the Stone of Destiny (Google it) and the ancestral home of the Lords of the Lorne. See how it was built on a stack of stone? The photo below is of the well inside the castle. How did they dig down through that rock to get their water?
The well inside the keep.
Interesting imagery on the chapel at the castle. A pair of these skulls protected the last resting place of the Campbells.
Another unique image to find on a memorial stone in a church.
Blue broke down and had a hamburger with his pint tonight versus fresh seafood. It was good!