Grandmothers Doilies Quilt
Over the years I have collected (by default, I think) doilies crocheted by both my grandmothers. My own mother gave me many of hers as she cleaned out her possessions; grandmothers gave me plenty as well.
What do do with them all? I use a fair number of them under lamps and plants and things to protect the furniture from scratching. I have too many of them; or perhaps I have too little furniture?
Whichever the case, I determined to preserve them in some fashion so I incorporated them into this disappearing nine-patch quilt.
I cut the doilies into sizes to fit a square and simply sewed them in with the next piece. The quilt is also full of old scraps from various eras and sewing projects of the past; a true memory quilt.
It is still only a quilt top; another in a growing pile of tops not yet quilted.