Our last day in Scotland was a trip to Dumbarton Castle situated on the Clyde River just west of Glasgow. Dumbarton is one of the three Royal Castles in Scotland with a royally appointed governor; the other two are Stirling and Edinborough Castles.
This Japanese Cherry tree was planted in the 1950s by Queen Elizabeth 2.
Situated on an ancient volcanic plug, Dumbarton is built on the two upthrusting rocks with some sweet paths and portcullis and stairs between the two. This gap was easily defendable.
The Scottish flag flying on the highest point. This looks out over the River Leven. Robert the Bruce died just up the way in his own castle.
The rivers here are tidal, and with the tide going out we saw several folks fishing in the receding waters of the tidal flats. Those two black specks ...
The stairs were steep and narrow!
Looking over the ramparts with the French Prison house in the back. Dumbarton housed prisoners from the Napoleonic wars.
The bluebells (wild hyacinth) are blooming everywhere in Scotland right now.
We are standing on one of the mounds and you can see the other across the way. Between the two is the roof of the prison. The structure on the right below the handrail is a fortified wall indicating the steepness.
From ground level. The large house is the Governor's Mansion. You can see the cherry tree to its left.