Orkney - Day 7

We planned to attend Easter services at St. Magnus Cathedral this morning; however, the Covid-19 restrictions in place (proof of vaxx, contract tracing info, limited to the first 100 people)  seemed too onerous so we drove up to the Broch of Gurness instead.

Yesterday on Rousay we visited Midhowe; just across Eyenhallow Sound sits Gurness. This broch is different in that it includes the village of houses and workshops that surrounded the broch, the defensive ditches, and a Pict dwelling.

It was strangely eery to walk the passageways of the village, step into the houses of people who once inhabited the space. The stones are all covered in white - calcium or lichen? - and the whole space resembles a graveyard.

After a stroll across the bay to another broch site, this one disturbed by farming, we headed back into Kirkwall and a tour of St. Magnus Cathedral.

I'm not certain what happened to the stained glass window for St. James the Elder - with all the amazing colored windows his stark colorless window certainly stands out.