Orkney - Isle of Sanday 1

We headed for our last island on the early ferry. The day started rainy and cold in Kirwall, so the ferry ride seemed a bit "swayish" to me, with the ferry tipping and dipping its way north.

Sanday is aptly named as this island features white sand beaches, sand dunes, sand spits, sand roads, and all things sand. Our first adventure was to the studio of artist Bill MacArthur on the Norwa', the last point of inhabitation on Sanday, where we gabbed with the artists and purchased orignal art work to be shipped home.

Then, you guessed it, Quoyness Chambered Cairn, our last cairn on the trip. The walk out to Elsness Peninsula was glorious with curious seals keeping us company the whole way.

After lunch and a quick stop at the Sinclair Shop for supplies we headed northwest to the Holms of Ire. There are two Holms that reach out into the ocean, accessible when the tide is low. We ambled across a farmer's pasture and visited with the Shetland ponies, then scurried across a rock strewn "beach" to the farthest holm. The sun was out, the sea spectacular, the sky blue, the wind blowing away the care and cobwebs of the last few years.

Each Holm featured a monument cairn except the last, so I built one. You can see mine in the foreground the the other two in the far distance.