Electric Car, Mountain Climb, and Cathedral Ruins

We picked up our rental car in Galashiels this morning - an all electric Peugot 208 with only enough charge to go 52 miles! So we've spent some time today trying to find a charging station and schedule time for a 45 minute fill up. 

Needless to say Blue is additionally challenged with this car (which you can't hear running) plus left hand driving! The car is a 208 which seems magical to me!

After picking up the car we headed to Eildon Hills (pronounced "Eel Dun"), three mountains rising up from the surrounding farmland and considered religious,  magical, significant for reasons we cannot know in this modern age. The north hill has evidence of ancient residence. We hoped to hike all three; however,  after climbing one, this old couple was done. 

The views were astounding. 

Blue standing beside the two hills we didn't ascend.

The trail started at The Rhymer Stone which commemorates Thomas the Rhymer, considered a Scottish prophet visited by the faeries who gave him glimpses into the future. 

After changing our muddy boots we drove into Melrose to visit the remains of the cathedral there.  It is hard to photograph sites such as these as they are so grand, so decrepit, such profound examples of the fallacy that we can create anything permanent.

My favorite gravestone of the day was this skull and crossbones with a Jack o lantern head.

Who doesn't love a country that has the unicorn as the national animal?

Sitting on the loo in our hotel room in an old manor house, and the 2nd floor landing at the hotel.